Batting eyelashes at me.. :D

Insanity flows in...

I open my eyes and then close 'em again... and then I hope and then I open 'em again.. change..

Its said that when you are confused and and unable to make a decision close your eyes, loose yourself and let your sub-conscious decide. Now here is my question..what if my sub-conscious is in complete adherence with myself and stands with a smirk on its face and a confused emotion poking at me...of sorts?

When you are going are going nowhere! Let alone my subconscious even my super-conscious is equally amused at my present state of hysteria. I know I have been asking too many questions lately but then I have never been a great preacher, just a curious soul. Do you know whats my favorite posture? Arms wide open..looking up in the sky feeling the wind across my face..mind sans of thoughts, hearing, feeling, taking deep breaths, a wry smile on the face, taking hit after hit....BLANK....absorbing what the world has to offer.

Its said that your best comes when you are at your worst, pushed against the wall. I don't think its my worst yet...So bite me Oh...almighty....'coz I want to be at my best.

there goes the sanity, there goes regret...
this ain't the end...'coz I ain't smiling yet.


Keshi said...

very good post Zubin!

**Its said that your best comes when you are at your worst

Spot on! And u've got to hit the lows to recognise the highs.


Trinaa said...

awesome!! i wasnt supposed to laugh was i? hehehe..sooowwy but that bite wala line was rofl!!

as 4 d rest..hunt down ur friends n stick to them like a leech.. :P
shit happens baba..but thankfully it has a very short shelf life :D

Anonymous said...

"close your eyes, loose yourself and let your sub-conscious decide..."
loved it!
i do it all the time.
except that my sub conscience is God driven and it is madly aligned.. freaked me out!

Lucifer said...

loved this post...gonna try that posture some time under a moonlit breezy nite...takin it all in

Phoenix said...

nice post .. me likes it.. :)

have you sworn you ll just keep coming back with comeback posts coman yaar be bore frequent... we miss you around

Cess said...

i m a bit too fare to bite u;P hope u re doing, like the music that matches ur post :)


Unknown said...

"this ain't the end...'coz I ain't smiling yet"

beautifully expressed,apparently this is the fact....
there wont be any end untill u give up.....
ur smile wud surely flash back with a new ray of hope...wid a new begenning
grt job....zubin
and thanks for ur comments....

rainboy said...

this was good...
stand your ground and don't go down

me might have been busy but i will not leave u guys ...
rest we'll meet in feb.

Zubin said...


Eggjhaktly..!! :)

Now as you have pointed out...even I think its funny..!! what was I thinking..!?! :D

"shit happens baba..but thankfully it has a very short shelf life"
I hope its true.. :)

HEy wecome here..

hmmm...lucky you...In my case my subconscious keeps looking at ME for answers..instead of giving me some..!! :D

Thanks man..!
hmmm...under a moonlit sky..that would make it even better..bro..

nice new pic..btw.

Zubin said...


hehe..yeah been so busy lately..more than that...been too confused and disturbed to write anything..
will try to be more frequent..can't be sure though.. :)

Fare? you are a fairy.. :p this music... :) always matches my mood..

and please don't stop blogging..!! :)..pleaseee... :p..^-^

thanks..yeah It ain't over till I say its over..:D
and you are always welcome.. :)


Good to know you ain't leaving.. :)
Feb ain't far bro..looking forward to meet ya.. :)

Zubin said...


Pallav said...

good philo...brace yer ass for the almighty's bite, you asked for it ;)


Zubin said...

lolz..oh yeah..I did..! :)

Rashi said...

hmm when was this written..

were u conscious?
super - conscious?
sub - conscious? has some power, though...great art!

Cess said...

my bad, sorry for the mispelling ;P
And don t worry i ll be back posting at some point.
U can still keep in touch with me in gtalk if u use it and if u want to ;p



umangexuberance said...
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umangexuberance said...

what if my sub-conscious is in complete adherence with myself and stands with a smirk on its face and a confused emotion poking at me...of sorts?

unconventional.. loved it :D
and yes pain does bring out the best in you.. i guess it has something to do with survival instinct

PS: you have been blogrolled

Zubin said...

hey WC to this blog.. :)

hmm..I don't know..lemme ask my sub-conscious.. :p

sure..I'll add you..whats your Id?
I come online rarely though.. :p

hey WC here..
hmmm...yes the survival instinct..or the fight before you give up..

thanks for the honored :)

umangexuberance said...

why the fight before u give up
why not the fight before you kick some serious ass and are up about and running again?

Heart'n'Soul said...

Zubi - nice post... its always good to follow ur instincts/concious... wtever u wanna call it...

and well... tht pose... for some reaosn its very Sharukh....LOLZ... sorry but thts wt it reminds me!!!

Zubin said...

hmm..right..lemme rephrase myself then..!! :D
..the fight before you fall...the fall before you rise :)

SRK :O... have ruined it all now..!! :(

aaahh...heck with shah rukh..he can't take my thunder away..!! :p

Cess said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
P said...

I loved the central idea of this post!

Zubin said...


Its fine dear..and I have already added ya.. :)

@Priya: Thanks..
and WC here.. :)

Mahesh Sindbandge said...

Hi Zubin,

This gesture is what many follow when they are in confused state where in they find no answers to their questions or say when one doeesnt want to accept ho things are...
song was also nice..
good post...:)
keep writing..:)